The research of McGauhey and Winneberger from the 1960's recommended that the soil “percolation system” should use narrow trenches to maximize the sidewall area and minimize the bottom area of the soil dispersal system. However, they also recognized the difficulty of constructing such systems with the tools, construction practices, and available products of that day.
Pre-manufactured dispersal devices eliminate stone or sand as a necessary distribution media.
Verti-Grid™ disperses the effluent horizontally, laterally, and vertically into the native soil of the trench sidewalls before it reaches the bottom. Over time, trenches remain unsaturated and aerobic, avoiding the common clogging and biomass build up on the bottom of stone beds and trenches.
The modular Verti-Grid™ units are placed in 4” to 6” wide trenches. Installation with a trenching machine causes less disturbance and compaction of the absorption area. Drain fields can be installed faster and occupy a smaller footprint with minimum trench separation of 2 feet on center. Accommodates unique sites with differing trench lengths or variation in elevation.
At Better Dispersal Systems, we are dedicated contractors and engineering consultants in the decentralized wastewater treatment industry. Our mission is to enhance septic field performance through innovative solutions and expert guidance.
125 Shoesmith Road, Haslett, Michigan 48840, United States